Last Updated: Jul 21, 2023     Views: 74

The UGA Libraries provide full-text access to many articles online, and the way that you can access them is by starting at the library homepage at Multi-Search searches around 130 of our approximately 400 databases, so while it doesn't search everything we have it is a great way to start your research.

A more complete list of UGA's journal holdings can be searched under the Journals by Title option on the Libraries' homepage.

You can also use the Google Scholar search engine on the Libraries homepage to search. Most of our students are familiar with Google Scholar, but using the version on our homepage verifies access to more articles as a verified UGA student.

Lastly, if you ever have trouble finding a specific article or retrieving results for a project, feel free to chat with us or to send us an email. We're available to help you find it or to help you submit an Interlibrary Loan request for articles that we don't own.

In short: You should never have to pay for articles while you're a UGA student! We're always happy to help.

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