This error sometimes happens when Google Scholar sees very high usage in a short period of time from off-campus users. The error will disappear after a time, but the time can vary.
Try this direct link to Google Scholar that is already connected to the UGA catalog.
Alternatively, you can follow these directions:
First, completely clear your browser cache. (For help with this, please check our browser-specific FAQs)
From off campus, it is better to go directly to the Google Scholar website:
Click on the three horizontal lines at the top left of your screen.
Next, click on Settings and then Library Links.
Search for University of Georgia. Select University of Georgia - View It @ UGA. Click Save.
You can search for your articles like normal from there. The links to View It @ UGA should request that you sign in so that you authenticate correctly and can access our subscribed resources.
More suggestions here: Google Scholar LibGuide